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Before You Start

How do I get an account with the CHPC?

Complete the online application on the CHPC user database.

Starting at the CHPC

How do I log into the CHPC supercomputers?

See the User Guide.

Shell & Login Problems

My .bashrc file is ignored when I login!

The non-interactive startup file .bashrc is not executed for interactive shells, only .profile is. To fix this, add the following line to the end of your .profile file:

source .bashrc

I've compiled and installed package XYZ in my home directory but when I type XYZ I get "command not found"

You need to add the path of the bin/ sub-directory for your installation directory to your PATH environment. Add something like the following to your .bashrc file (also see the previous question):

export PATH=/export/home/your_username/XYZ/bin:$PATH

NB: replace your_username with your own user name as allocated for your CHPC account and replace XYZ with the full name of the sub-directory you installed the package XYZ in.

We recommend opt/ so that. for example, if you installed Kactus 3.1.4 in ~/opt/kactus-3.1.4/ (in your home directory, where the ~ refers to the root of your home directory) you would add to .bashrc this line:

export PATH=/export/home/your_username/opt/kactus-3.1.4/bin:$PATH

I've compiled and installed library PQR in my home directory but when I type XYZ I get "libPQR library not found"

You need to add the PQR library location to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH using the following code in your .bashrc

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/export/home/your_username/opt/PQR/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

Where you need to replace your_username with your own user name as allocated for your CHPC account and replace PQR with the full name of the sub-directory you installed the PQR library in.

/app/dokuwiki/data/pages/faq/start.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/09 16:42 (external edit)