The source code for MPAS-A can be found inside:
For version 8.0.2, the code has been compiled for single precision and debug mode. MPAS has been compiled using the Intel 2018 compiler with MPI.
To build and compile MPAS-A-8.0.2, source this set script or add these paths to your environment variables:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/mnt/lustre/groups/ERTH0904/Models/MPAS/LIBRARIES/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH export NETCDF=/mnt/lustre/groups/ERTH0904/Models/MPAS/LIBRARIES export PNETCDF=/mnt/lustre/groups/ERTH0904/Models/MPAS/LIBRARIES export CPPFLAGS=-I/mnt/lustre/groups/ERTH0904/Models/MPAS/LIBRARIES/include export LDFLAGS=-L/mnt/lustre/groups/ERTH0904/Models/MPAS/LIBRARIES/lib
After the above libraries have been added to the shell, load the Intel 2018 compiler:
module load chpc/parallel_studio_xe/18.0.2/2018.2.046
If you have a conda environment activated by the your .bashrc file, you will need to deactivate conda to ensure that the binary used by mpirun is from:
Before running the solver, ensure that the dynamic library paths have been set correctly:
ldd ./atmosphere_model