What this example does is that it finds a whole lot of scripts in a directory and gets gnu parallel to run them. The -j 6 options tells gnu parallel to run 6 jobs per node, while the -M and –sshdelay 0.2 options tells it to use ssh's ControlMaster and to have a delay between establishing links to the same node.
#!/bin/bash #PBS -e /mnt/lustre/users/USERNAME/test_scripts/gnu_parallel.stderr.out #PBS -o /mnt/lustre/users/USERNAME/test_scripts/gnu_parallel.stdout.out #PBS -V #PBS -P PROGRAMMESHORTNAME #PBS -M youremailaddress #PBS -l select=2:ncpus=24:nodetype=haswell_reg #PBS -l walltime=00:01:00 #PBS -q normal #PBS -m be #PBS -r n #PBS -mb module add chpc/BIOMODULES module add gnu-parallel WORKING_DIR=/mnt/lustre/users/USERNAME/test_scripts echo "Hello World! Main gnu parallel test thingy running here" cd ${WORKING_DIR} ls ${WORKING_DIR}/gnup_scripts/* | parallel -M --sshdelay 0.2 -j 6 -u --sshloginfile ${PBS_NODEFILE} "cd ${WORKING_DIR}/gnup_scripts; {} {}"
Then inside the directory
you can put a whole lot of copies of the following file:
#!/bin/bash NOW=$(date +"%x %X") echo "Hello World! The time is ${NOW} and I'm running on host: ${HOSTNAME}. I'm running task $1 :-)" sleep 1
and make sure they are all runnable, i.e.
chmod u+x gnup.test.sh
After running
qsub gnu_parallel.qsub
if you look inside
you should see something like:
Hello World! Main gnu parallel test thingy running here Hello World! The time is 05/05/2016 15:24:26 and I'm running on host: cnode0282. I'm running task /home/dane/test_scripts/gnup_scripts/gnup.test.12.sh :-) Hello World! The time is 05/05/2016 15:24:26 and I'm running on host: cnode0282. I'm running task /home/dane/test_scripts/gnup_scripts/gnup.test.10.sh :-) . . . Hello World! The time is 05/05/2016 15:24:29 and I'm running on host: cnode0281. I'm running task /home/dane/test_scripts/gnup_scripts/gnup.test.9.sh :-)
One problem we have is that jobs fail on the cluster. If one is making use of gnu-parallel it can be simple to include some fault checking code in the form of log files. So building on the previous example we build a script that is designed to fail randomly. It logs successful runs and doesn't re-run if a failure is detected.
#!/bin/bash LOGFILE="$0.log" # create a log file based on the executable's name echo "$(date +'%x %X'): STARTING" >> "${LOGFILE}" # Log the start of the run if [ $(grep "COMPLETE" "${LOGFILE}" | wc -l) -lt 1 ] # check if it has already been run... then echo "Hello World! The time is $(date +'%x %X') and I'm running on host: ${HOSTNAME}. I'm running task $1 :-)" sleep 1 if [ $(( ( RANDOM % 10 ) + 1 )) -gt 4 ] # will run successfully something like 60% of the time then echo "SUCCESS!" echo "$(date +'%x %X'):COMPLETE" >> "${LOGFILE}" else echo "Failure" # Oh boo. This will not be logged fi else echo "$(date +'%x %X'): NOT REPEATING" >> "${LOGFILE}" # Log that run has already been performed fi
So if we run our same PBS script, but this time point at a directory containing, say 50, copies of the above script then we see:
[dane@login1]$ ls gnup_scripts/*.sh | wc -l; ls gnup_scripts/*.log | wc -l 50 50 [dane@login1]$ cat gnup_scripts/*.log | grep STARTING | wc -l; cat gnup_scripts/*.log | grep COMPLETE | wc -l ; cat gnup_scripts/*.log | grep "NOT REPEATING" | wc -l 50 34 0 [dane@login1]$ cat gnu_parallel.stdout.out | grep "SUCCESS" | wc -l; cat gnu_parallel.stdout.out | grep "Failure" | wc -l 34 16 [dane@login1]$
So we can see that it ran 50 times, and failed 16 out of 50 times. We can run again and we see:
[dane@login1]$ cat gnup_scripts/*.log | grep STARTING | wc -l; cat gnup_scripts/*.log | grep COMPLETE | wc -l ; cat gnup_scripts/*.log | grep "NOT REPEATING" | wc -l 100 45 34 [dane@login1]$ cat gnu_parallel.stdout.out | grep "SUCCESS" | wc -l; cat gnu_parallel.stdout.out | grep "Failure" | wc -l 11 5
i.e. we successfully ran another 11 jobs…
So the idea around this script is that one has a working directory where you in turn have tree structure that might look something like
. Here gnu parallel simply takes as input each fasta file and does the blast on each with the parameters provided.
#!/bin/bash #PBS -e /mnt/lustre/users/USERNAME/blastjobs/blast.stderr.out #PBS -o /mnt/lustre/users/USERNAME/blastjobs/blast.stderr.out #PBS -P PROGRAMMESHORTNAME #PBS -M youremail@address #PBS -l select=4:ncpus=24:nodetype=haswell_reg #PBS -l walltime=00:60:00 #PBS -q normal #PBS -m be cd ${PBS_O_WORKDIR} module add chpc/BIOMODULES module add blast module add gnu-parallel #The module sets the env variable below # and provides the path to the databases #BLASTDB="/mnt/lustre/bsp/DB/BLAST" # To blast against eg, simply use -db nt # To see all databases, "ls $BLASTDB/*.?al" BLASTCMD=$(which blastn) BLASTARGS="-evalue 0.005 -num_alignments 20 -outfmt 5 -num_threads 24 -db nt" INPUTDIRS="DATE/*" ls ${INPUTDIRS}/*.fasta | parallel -M --sshdelay 0.2 -j 1 -u --sshloginfile ${PBS_NODEFILE} "cd ${PBS_O_WORKDIR}; ${BLASTCMD} -query {} ${BLASTARGS} -out {}.xml && gzip --best {} {}.xml"
The idea around the fault tolerance is very simple – when the blast has been successfully run, the file will be zipped and given a .gz suffix and won't be found in subsequent blasts (which explicitly look for .fasta).
This takes the previous example one step further and is useful for large jobs with very many independent fasta files (and this individual blasts). The added step involves copying the blast database into ram disk at the beginning of the job.
#!/bin/bash #PBS -e /mnt/lustre/users/USERNAME/blastjobs/blast.advanced.stderr.out #PBS -o /mnt/lustre/users/USERNAME/blastjobs/blast.advanced.stderr.out #PBS -P PROGRAMMESHORTNAME #PBS -M youremail@address #PBS -l select=4:ncpus=24:mem=120gb:nodetype=haswell_reg #PBS -l walltime=00:60:00 #PBS -q normal #PBS -m be cd ${PBS_O_WORKDIR} module add chpc/BIOMODULES module add blast module add gnu-parallel BLASTDB="/mnt/lustre/bsp/NCBI/BLAST" DB="nt" BLASTCMD=$(which blastn) BLASTARGS="-evalue 0.005 -num_alignments 20 -outfmt 5 -num_threads 24" INPUTDIRS="2016-05-12/*" NODES=$(cat ${PBS_NODEFILE} | sort | uniq) # copy blast databases to ram disk for node in ${NODES} do ssh ${node} "mkdir -p /dev/shm/${USER}/BLAST && cp -r ${BLASTDB}/${DB}* /dev/shm/${USER}/BLAST && echo 'successfully added DBs on ${node}' || exit 1" & done wait # wait for parallel copies to finish ls ${INPUTDIRS}/*.fa | parallel -j 1 -u --sshloginfile ${PBS_NODEFILE} "cd ${PBS_O_WORKDIR}; ${BLASTCMD} -db /dev/shm/${USER}/BLAST/${BLASTDB} -query {} ${BLASTARGS} -out {}.xml && gzip --best {} {}.xml" # clean up ram disk for node in ${NODES} do ssh ${node} "rm -rf /dev/shm/${USER}/BLAST && echo 'successfully deleted DBs on ${node}' || exit 1" & done wait
The idea behind this example is that you can create a list of commands that need running and then give this to the script. If sub-jobs fail there will be an easily parsed log file so that individual steps can be quickly identified. If sub-jobs have been successfully run, they're logged as such and aren't re-run on subsequent job submissions.
This first script is a list of helper functions that are used in the main script.
#!/bin/bash ## Some simple helper log functions to track jobs success / failure ## ## Created by Dane Kennedy @ the Centre for High Performance Computing ## ############## Create some useful functions ############## # Echos the current date/time in a nice format function now { echo -n "$( date +"%F %X" )"; } # Appends to log file function log () { if [[ -v LOGFILE ]] then echo -e "$( now ): ${HOSTNAME}: $@" >> "${LOGFILE}" else echo -e "$( now ): ${HOSTNAME}: $@" fi } #Appends to log file and exits function log_fail () { log "$@" exit 1 } # returns true (in the bash sense of 0 exit status meaning success) if line exists in log file function check_log () { if [[ -v LOGFILE ]] then if [[ -e ${LOGFILE} ]] then if $( grep -q "$@" ${LOGFILE} ) then return 0 fi fi fi return 1 } # Checks for a line on the LOG file. If is exists, it doesn't repeat. If it's not there, it runs. If # the run is successful is records it as such. function check_run (){ SUCCESS_LINE="\"$@\" SUCCESSUL" FAIL_LINE="\"$@\" fail." if check_log "${SUCCESS_LINE}" then log "\"$@\" already successfully run. Not repeating." return 0 fi log "Running \"$@\"" $@ \ && { log "${SUCCESS_LINE}"; return 0; } \ || { log "${FAIL_LINE}"; return 1; } } # Same as above but exit 1's on fail. function check_run_abort (){ if ! check_run "$@" then log "Aborting." fi }
#!/bin/bash #PBS -e /mnt/lustre/users/USERNAME/gnup/stderr.out #PBS -o /mnt/lustre/users/USERNAME/gnup/stdout.out #PBS -P PROGRAMMESHORTNAME #PBS -M youremailaddress #PBS -l select=2:ncpus=24:mpiprocs=16:nodetype=haswell_reg #PBS -l walltime=48:00:00 #PBS -q normal #PBS -m be #PBS -r n module add chpc/BIOMODULES module add gnu-parallel JOBSPERNODE=16 # Make sure we start the job in the right place. cd -P ${PBS_O_WORKDIR} # Set up logging stuffs source log_support.sh LOGFILE="gnuparallel.text.log" THIS="GNU PARALLEL TEST" # First check if analysis has been run before. If it has abort... if check_log "${THIS} COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY" then log "${THIS} already successfully completed. Not repeating." exit 0 else log "Beginning ${THIS}" fi # Point to Job File -- this contains a list of commands to run, one per line JOBFILE="gnu_parallel.jobs" # pass the commands on to gnu parallel which runs them with "check_run". It will record # a successful completion if all sub-jobs complete successfully :-). Woot. cat ${JOBFILE} | parallel -M --sshdelay 0.2 -j ${JOBSPERNODE} -u --sshloginfile ${PBS_NODEFILE} \ "cd -P \"${PBS_O_WORKDIR}\"; . log_support.sh; LOGFILE=\"${LOGFILE}\"; check_run {}" \ && log "${THIS} COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY" \ || log "${THIS} incomplete."